उत्-कण्ठ mfn. 1.mfn. having the neck uplifted (on the point of doing anything),
[Ragh.] having the throat open (as in crying),
[BhP.] longing for
उत्-कण्ठ m. m. longing for
a kind of sexual union,
[L.] उत्कण्ठ 2.Nom. Ā. उत्कण्ठते, to raise the neck;
to long for, regret, sorrow for,
[R.] ;
[Śiś.] ;
[Bhaṭṭ.] &c.:
Caus. उत्कण्ठयति, to cause any one to lift up the neck;
to excite longing, inspire with tender emotions,
[Bhartṛ.] ;
[Kāvyâd. &c.]