लाक्षा [lākṣā] [लक्ष्यतेऽनया लक्ष् अच् पृषो˚ वृद्धिः]
A kind of red dye, lac; (largely used by women in ancient times as an article of decoration, especially for the soles of the feet and lips; cf. अलक्त; it is said to be obtained from the cochineal insect and from the resin of a particular tree); निष्ठ्यूतश्चरणोपभोगसुलभो लाक्षारसः केनचित् (तरुणा)
[Ś. 4.5.;] [Ṛs.6.14;] लाक्षागृहानलविषान्नसभाप्रवेशैः
[Ve.1.8;] [Ki.5.23.] The insect which produces the red dye,-Comp.
-तरुः, वृक्षः N. N. of a tree, Butea Frondosa.
-प्रसादः, -प्रसादनः the red Lodhra tree (the infusion of its bark is used to fix colour).
-रक्त a. a. dyed with lac.