रु 1.cl. 2. P. ([Dhātup. xxiv, 24] ; cf. [Pāṇ. 7-3, 15] ) रौति or रवीति (Ved. also रुव॑ति and रवोति, °ते; p. रु॑वत्, रवत्, रवमाण, रवाण; pf. रुराव, [MBh.] ; रुरुविरे, [Br.] ; aor. अ॑रावीत्, [RV.] ; Prec. रूयात्Gr. ; fut. रविता or रोता, ib.; रविष्यति, ib.; inf. रवितुम्, ib., रोतुम्, [Kāv.] ), to roar, bellow, howl, yelp, cry aloud, [RV.] &c. &c.; to make any noise or sound, sing (as birds), hum (as bees), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; (रौति) to praise, [Naigh. iii, 14] : Caus. रावयति (aor. अरूरुवत् with the sense of the Intens. [BhP.] ; or अरीरवत्, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 80] Sch. ), to cause to bellow or roar, cause an uproar, [ĀśvŚr.] ; [MBh.] &c. : Desid. of Caus. रिरावयिषतिGr. : Desid. रुरूषति, ib. : Intens. (Ved. ) रो॑रवीति (p. रो॑रुवत् and रो॑रुवाण) or (ep. ) रोरूयते, °ति or (Gr. ) रोरोति. to bellow or roar &c. loudly, scream aloud, vociferate. रु [cf. Gk. ὠρύομαι; Lat. raucus; Angl.Sax. rŷn.] रु m. 2.m. (only [L.] ) sound, noise fear, alarm war, battle. रु 3.cl. 1. Ā. ([Dhātup. xxii, 63] ) रवते (only राविषम्, [RV. x, 86, 5] ; रुरुविषे, अरविष्टअरोष्ट, [Vop.] ) to break or dash to pieces, [RV.] ([Dhātup.] also ‘to go; to kill; to be angry; to speak’) : Intens. (only p. रो॑रुवत्) to break, shatter, [RV. i, 54, 1; 5.] रु m. 4.m. cutting, dividing, [L.]