अभाव [abhāva] a. a. [न. ब.] Without love or affection. कच्चिन्ना- भिहतोऽभावैः शब्दादिभिरमङ्गलैः
[Bhāg.1.14.4.] Nonexistent.
वः Not being or existing, non-existence; गतो भावोऽभावम् Mk.1 has disappeared.
Absence, want, failure; सर्वेषामप्यभावे तु ब्राह्मणा रिक्थभागिनः
[Ms.9.188;] mostly in comp.; सर्वाभावे हरेन्नृपः 189 in the absence of all, failing all; तोय˚, अन्न˚, आहार˚ &c.
Annihilation, death, destruction; (वचो...पथ्यमुक्तम्) राक्षसानामभावाय त्वं वा न प्रतिपद्यसे
[Rām.5.21.1.] non-entity; नाभाव उपलब्धेः Ś B.; क्षणमात्रभवामभावकाले
[Śi.2.64;] [Ki.18.1.] (In phil.) Privation, non-existence, nullity or negation, supposed to be the seventh category or पदार्थ in the system of Kaṇāda. (Strictly speaking अभाव is not a separate predicament, like द्रव्य, गुण, but is only a negative arrangement of those predicaments; all nameable things being divided into positive (भाव) and negative (अभाव), the first division including द्रव्य, गुण, कर्म, सामान्य, विशेष and समवाय; and the second only one अभाव; cf. अत्र सप्तमस्याभावकथनादेव षण्णां भावत्वं प्राप्तं तेन भावत्वेन पृथगुपन्यासो न कृतः Muktā.) अभाव is defined as भावभिन्नोऽभावः (प्रतियोगिज्ञानाधीनविषयत्वम्) that whose knowledge is dependent on the knowledge of its प्रतियोगी. It is of two principal kinds संसर्गाभाव and अन्योन्याभाव; the first comprising three varieties प्रागभाव, प्रध्वंसाभाव, and अत्यन्ताभाव. -Comp.
-संपत्तिः f. f. false attribution (= अध्यास q. v.)