Bhamini Vilas - Page 123

Bhamini Vilas - Page 123

pollens '. (ii) she who is in menstruation. bere means
6 the menstrual flow '. Sexual conjugation with a woman in her
menstrual period is forbidden both by the Ayurveda and the
Dharmas'āstras, of. Manu. 3. 47. qogai-(i) grey in colour.
केनकी is grey in colour. (ii) pale in colour. कण्टकप्रकरान्विता -(i)
the केतकी is : thickly studded with thorns.' (ii) कण्टक means
bristling of hair, naf. Paling of colonr and horripilations
are indications of the spontaneous manifestation of love
( मात्विक भावS ). स्तम्भप्रलयरोमात्रा. स्वेदो वैचण्यवेपेथु । ete. D. B. 4., 3.
f. आरसीद्वरः कण्टकितप्रकोठः । Ragh, 7. 22; also रोमोद्रमः पग्राइुरभूदुमायाঃ---
Kumar. 7. 77. Though पाण्डुवर्णत्व 82d कण्टकितत्व aze inviting
indicationa in a woman, yet her aTna is a bar to the
consummation of her yearning. GaT-Shameless.
Vs. 118.-A:-
to stretch ) which is instrumental in producing other tones
A modulant. It is a protracted tone (from
and on which the Ragas depend for their existence and
operation. of नानो नाम स्वरान्तरप्रव्नको रागस्थिनिप्रघृत्यदिहतुरंशापरनामा
बंशवाद्यसाध्यः प्रधानभूतः स्वरविशेषः। मद्लिनाथ 0n Kumar. 1. 8, : गाता यै
यं स्वरं गच्छेत्तं तं बंशेन तानयेत् । ' Bharet, There are, it is believed,
forty-nine tānas arising from the seven
flow of ichor,
syaras. दानम्--the
Vs. 119.-a: may either mean (i) Good, or (ii) Existing.
It will then be the Nom. plu, of the pres. p. of ag. aa a
If they exist at all. -Musk.
Merits do not require introduction or recommendation.
They will assert themselves.
Ys. 120.--मास्म यासी:- Do not go. अयासी:- 2 per. sing. Aor.
of 1 to go. For the elision of the temporal augment see notes
on FUr: in verse 7. a -The crest; hence, the best. It is well
known that musk possesses an exquisite fragrance. nE-Deep.
a Musk is found in the navel of a particular type of
antelopes which are therefore called aiEns. Men kill these
antelopes for the sake of musk in their navels, of. a ae gia

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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