Bhamini Vilas - Page 115

Bhamini Vilas - Page 115

Vs. 90.-সञ्जनकापस ete.-नज्जनः व कापामः तेष्षा रक्ष्णे (बिपगीत
क्षणया मक्षणे) एकः हुताशनः The one ire which 'protecte the
cotton in the form of good men.
The word 7erUT is used ironi-
cally. Fire, instead of protecting wool, only burns it out.
of. नूलराशाविवान्निः । Sak. 110, Therefore क्षण = मक्षण, Destruction.
वग्दूरःखाशनिशमनो मारुत:- wind always ians the fre; it never
extinguishes it, For the natural alliance between fre and wind
. मुमीरणो नोदयिता भवेतिं व्यादिदयने केन हुनाजनन्य। Kur3r. 3. 21.
Therefore sTHa is intended to stand for 3a. A wicked man
takes sinister delight in aggravating the miseries of others.
. सुजनयन्धुजनेष्वसहिष्युना प्रकृतिमिद्धमिंदं हि दुरन्मनाम् ॥ Bhar . 1. 5E,
Vs. 91.-The adjectives एरयुह्यसुक्षेनिदुणन् nd दुणमयम्् axe
equally &ppliea5le to सञ्जन and ललिनान्बर. परशुठ्युप्तिनियुणच्-परेषां
मु्यानि, नेषां युमौ निपुणम् । (i ) A g০০d man is elever in containing
the secrets, or concealing the weaknesses, of others, (ii) A
piece of cloth ( ) is able to cover up the secret limbs ( gai
ê ) of others (i. e. the wearers ). goT (i) Posaessing
many good qualities. (ii) Made from threads (g . gề:
* Respected or praised by all. -Fine.
mouse. T -i) Find fault with, accuse (ii) Soil, damage.
Mice damage a fine piece of cloth. Mark the use of twe -
a a in one Upamā.
Vs. 92.-यशःसौरभ्यलशुनः-यश एव सौग्भ्यं नस्य (तत्प्रति ) नचुन इव
শुणमयम्-(i) Possessing
ुनः ।
Just as the very pronounced repellent smell of garlic
suppresses all other good amell, similarly a wicked man ruins
the good name of others. शान्तिशैत्यहुनाशन:-As fre destroys
coolness, so a villain destroys tranquillity of mind. He is the
fire to the coolness of tranguillity. कारुण्यकुतुमाकाशः - कारुण्यमेव
कुलुमं तत्य ( नत्पति ) आकाशः |
Well, compassion is as rare in a rogue as flowers in the sky.
सज्जनदुःखलः-सज्जनानां दुःखं लाति ( यच्छति ) इनि दुशखल: । 0ppressing
the virtuous. OT 2 P. to take, or to give.
Flowers cannot grow in the sky.
These three stanzas describe vividly the inherently
devilish nature of a villain.

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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