व्य्-आ-√ वृत् aĀ. -वर्तते (rarely
P. ), to become separated or singled out from (
instr. ),
[RV.] ;
[AV.] ;
[Br.] ;
to become separated or distinct, be distinguished as or in some
partic. form of
[MaitrUp.] ;
to turn or wind in different directions, divide (as a road),
[MBh.] ;
to be dispersed (as an army),
[Hariv.] ;
to be opened,
[Suśr.] ;
to turn away from, part with, get rid of (
instr. or
abl. ),
[Ragh.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
to diverge from, be inconsistent with (
abl. ),
[Sarvad.] ;
to go away, depart,
[Śāntiś.] ;
to come back, return,
[Ratnâv.] ;
[Rājat.] ;
to turn round, revolve,
[R.] ;
to sink (as the sun),
[MBh.] ;
to come to an understanding or settlement,
[AitBr.] ;
to come to an end, cease, perish, disappear,
[MBh.] ;
[Hariv.] &c.:
Caus. -वर्तयति (
Pass. -वर्त्यते), to divide, separate from (
instr. or
abl. ;
ind.p. -वर्त्य, ‘with the exception of’
[Bālar.] ),
[TBr.] &c. &c.;
to free from (
instr. ),
[MaitrS.] ;
to turn about or round,
[MBh.] ;
[Kād.] ;
to keep back, avert,
[R.] ;
to throw about, strew,
[MBh.] ;
to exchange, substitute one for another,
[Hariv.] ;
to lay aside (the staff),
[R.] ;
अन्यथा) to retract (a word),
[MBh.] ;
to remove (pain or distress),
[Vikr.] ;
to destroy or annul (an enemy or a rule),
[Ragh. xv, 7] :
Desid. -विवृसते, to wish or intend to liberate one's self from or get rid of (
abl. ),
[ŚBr.] व्य्-आवृत् f. bf. distinction, superiority, pre-eminence over (
gen. or
instr. ),
[TS.] ;
[TBr.] ;
[Kāṭh.] cessation,