बोधिः [bōdhiḥ] [बुध्-इन्]
Perfect wisdom or enlightenment; इत्यभिहितो बोधौ जिनः पातु वः
[Nāg.1.1.] स रतिमुपसिषेवे बोधि- मापन्न यावत्
[Bu. Ch.2.56.] The enlightened intellect of a Buddha.
The sacred fig-tree.
A cock.
An epithet of Buddha. -Comp.
-अङ्गम् a requisite for attaining perfect knowledge.
-तरुः, -द्रुमः, -वृक्षः the sacred fig-tree,
-दः an arhat (of the Jainas).-मण्डलम् N. of the place where Gautama Buddha attained to perfect wisdom.
सत्त्वः a Buddhist saint, one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge and has only a certain number of births to undergo before attaining to the state of a Supreme Buddha and complete annihilation (this position could be attained by a long series of pious and virtuous deeds); एवंविधैर्विलसितैरतिबोधिसत्त्वैः
[Māl.1.21;] उद्योतयन्नुत्त- मबोधिसत्त्वः
[Bu. Ch.1.16.] N. N. of the principal Buddha of the present era.