Dictionaries | References


   { prakīrṇa }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : बिखरा, पागल व्यक्ति, विषय, चामर


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
prakīrṇa a S Containing numerous subjects--a chapter, book, discourse. 2 p Expanded, opened, unfolded. 3 Spread abroad, diffused: also widely proclaimed or published.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
  Containing numerous subjects. Expanded. Diffused.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
प्र°कीर्ण  mfn. mfn. scattered, thrown about, dispersed, [Nir.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.]
squandered, [Dhūrtas.]
disordered, dishevelled, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Suśr.]
waved, waving, [Śiś. xii, 17]
mixed, containing various subjects, miscellaneous, [Kām.]
standing alone, nowhere mentioned, [Viṣṇ.]
confused, incoherent (as speech), [Śiś. ii, 63]
expanded, opened, [W.]
spread abroad, published, ib.
प्र°कीर्ण  m. m.Guilandina Bonduc, [L.]
a horse (?), [Gal.]
प्र°कीर्ण  n. n. a miscellany, any miscellaneous collection, [L.]
a chapter or section of a book, [L.]
extent, [L.]
N. of a class of जैन works, [MWB. 533]
scattering or throwing about, [A.]


प्रकीर्ण [prakīrṇa] p.p. p.  p. p.
Scattered about, scattered forth, thrown about, dispersed; प्रकीर्णमूर्धजा राजन् यक्षाधिपतिमब्रुवन् [Mb.3.161.17.]
Spread, published, promulgated.
Waved, waving; जवात् प्रकीर्णैरभितः प्रकीर्णकैः [Śi.12.17.]
Disordered, loose, dishevelled.
Confused, incoherent; बह्वपि स्वेच्छया कामं प्रकीर्णमभिधीयते [Śi.2.63.]
Agitated, excited.
Miscellaneous, mixed; as the प्रकीर्णकाण्ड of Bhaṭṭikāvya.
Expanded, opened.
Standing alone.
Destroyed, killed; प्रकीर्णमेष भारं हि यद्वद्धार्येत दस्युभिः [Mb.12.215.14.]
Thickly covered; प्रकीर्णमलपङ्कः [Dk.2.2.]
र्णम् A miscellany, any miscellaneous collection.
A chapter containing miscellaneous rules.
A chapter or section of a book.
Scattering or throwing about.
Extent. -Comp.
-केशी  N. N. of Durgā.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
प्रकीर्ण  mfn.  (-र्णः-र्णा-र्णं)
1. Spread abroad, published, promulgated.
2. Expanded, opened.
3. Miscellaneous, mixed.
4. Scattered, disper- [Page472-b+ 60] sed, disordered, confused.
5. Agitated, excited, wild.
6. Waved, wav- ing.
 n.  (-र्णं)
1. A Chowri, a cow-tail used as a fan.
2. A chapter, a section.
3. A collection of miscellaneous rules.
E. प्र before, कृ to throw or cast, aff. क्त .
प्र कृ क्त .


See : विकीर्ण

Related Words

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