निरस् [niras] 4
[P.] To cast out, throw or drive away, give up, quit, drive or send back; निरस्तगाम्भीर्यमपास्त- पुष्पकम्
[Śi.1.55;9.63.] To destroy, ward off, defeat, annihilate, dispel; अह्नाय तावदरुणेन तमो निरस्तम्
[R.5.7;] रक्षांसि वेदीं परितो निरास्थत्
[Bk.1.12;2.36.] To turn out, remove, expel, banish; गृहान्निरस्ता न तेन वैदेहसुता मनस्तः
[R.14.84.] To throw out, discharge (as arrows).
To reject, repudiate, decline.
To refute, confute, controvert (as arguments).
To eclipse, obscure, throw into the back-ground; यशांसि सर्वेषुभृतां निरास्थत्
[Bk.1.3.] To tear out, strip off.
To stretch out (as a hand).