Dictionaries | References


शब्दकोश - प्रशासन
Type: Dictionary
Count : 4,156 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

abandonment of claim   abatement of rent   abbreviated address   abducted person   abide by one's word   abide by the decision   abide by the rules loyally   ab initio   ab initio void   abnegation of responsibility   abnormal loss   abnormal situation   abortive efforts   above-cited   above-mentioned   above-noted   above par   above-said   above written obligation   absence from duty   absence of authority   absence of duty   absence on tour   absentee allowance   Absentee statement   absent in spite of service of summons   absent without leave   absolute acceptance   absolute conviction   absolutely necessary   absolute visual acuity   absolved of the responsibility   Abstract bill   abstract of   abstract of estimate   abstract of objections   abstract of receipts and expenditure   abstract statement   absurd statement   abuse of power   abusive language   academic institution   academic qulifications   accede to one's request   accelerated promotion   Acceptance of tender   acceptance resolution   accession number   accession register   accopanied by   accord approval   according as   accordingly, it has been decided   according to normal rules   according to stipulations   according to the length of service   according to usage   accord recognition to qulifications   accord sanction   accountable for   accountant's daily balance sheet   account for   accounting procedure for receipt and expenditure   accounts inspection   accounts of stores   accruing form   accumulated surplus   accumulation of leave   accuracy of statement   accurately done   achievement in   acknowledgement card   acknowledgement due   acknowledgement letter   acknowledgement of balance   acknowledgement of bill   acknowledgement receipt of   acquiescence and waiver   acquisition of citizenship   acquisition of land   acquisition of property   Acquittance roll   Acting allowance   acting in good faith   acting in his discretion   actionable wrong   action as at 'A' above   action may be taken as proposed   action taken in this matter may be reported to government   action taken on   active habbits   Active partner   active service   Act of God   act of misconduct   act of misconduct involving dishonesty   act of trespass   acts done or purposed to be done   acts prohibited   acts subversive to discipline   actual and probable expenditure   actual balance of stationery on hand   actual cost   actually employed   actual travelling expenses   acute shortage   added entry   addiction to (opium)   additional function   additional information statement   additional profit   Additions and alterations   address communication to   ad hoc board   ad hoc committee   ad interim   adjiouned sine die   adjournment motion   adjudication of a dispute   adjustment by transfer   adjustment of account   adjustment of rent   administrartive division   administrartive duties   administrartive function   administrartive lapse   administrartive machinery   administrartive power   administrartive unit   administration bond   administration of general establishment   administration of justice   administrative agencies   Administrative approval   administrative approval may be obtained   administrative control   admiralty jurisidiction   admissible expenditure   admissible limit of amount   admissible under rule   admission fee   admission of claim   admission to an exmaination   admission with permission   admit to bail   admonition for negligemce   adoption deed   adoption of byelaws   adquate data   adquate representation   adult education   adulterated drugs   ad-valorem   advance and its recovery   advance bills   advanced course   Advance increment   advance of travelling allowance   advance payment   advances governed by government resolution no.-----dated   advantageous for efficiency   adverse effect   adversely affected   adverse remark   advertised post   advice of payment   advice should be sought   advice to transfer debit/credit   advisory service   aerial-survey   affected area   affected person   affecting taxation   affect prejudicially   affiliation fee   affirm the decision   affix a seal   affixing of stamps   affix one's signature   affix the decision   afframative reply   aforesaid circumstances   aforesaod rule   after adquate consideration   after careful consideration   aftercare programme   after commimg into force of the act   after consultation with   after due consideration   after giving an apportunity to be heard   after giving at serious thought   after hearing the person concerned   age certificate   age-limit   age of superannuation   aggravate the situation   aggregate marks   aggregate value   aggrieved party   aggrieved person   agreement bond   agreement form   agreement of balance   agreements and covenants   agree to the appoinment of   agricultural colonisation   agricultural income   agricultural year   aims and objects   air armament practice   air service   all claims shall be supported by the necessary vouchers   all communications between and should be canalised through   all concerned to note   alleged statement   all-inclusive rate of halting allowance   all india services   allocated government servant should be deemed to be belonging to an all-state cadre   allocation account   allocation of balance   allocation of duties   allotment during may be asked for separately   allotment of funds   allotment order   allotment placed at your disposal   allowed and remanded   allowed without any cuts   allow to enter   all-region schemes   all rights reserved   all-sea route   alphabetical register   alternative draft   alternative lands   alternative method   alternatives mentioned in this rule are mutually execlusive   ambulance and rescue work   amended draft   amjcable settlement   amount due for payment during the year   amount due for the quarter ending   amount (net) payable   amount of leave asked for   amount of leave at credit   amount of leave due   amount of leave enjoyed   amount of leave exhausted   amount of leave not due   anacillary services   analogous case   analysis ans valuation of the crops   analysis register   analytical entry   annual administration report   annual audit programme   annual establishment return   annual general meeting   annual income from all sources   annual indent   annual inspection report   annual outlay   annual possession certificate   annual recurring expenditure   annual report   annual report and balance sheet   annual report of state and progress of education   annual return   annual solvency certificate   annual store account   anomalous position   answerable to   antagonistic attitude   antedated cheque   anticipated expenditure   anticipated or estimated expenditure   any bill to be moved in the legislature   any law made in contravention of this clause   any other deduction   any person who has attained the age of 15 years   any remuneration of the nature of pay   any service previous to the attainment of the minimum aualifing age for entry into service of the state government   apparent error on the face of records   apparent reason   appeal allowed   appeal is dismissed with costs   appeal is filed by   appeal lies to   appeals to be entered   appeal was heard ex-parte   appeal would lie   appear for an interview   appear in person or by pleader   appear on behalf of   appellant contends that   appellant pleaded not guilty to the charge framed against him   appended government resolution may issue subject to approval   appended letter may issue   appended to   applicable to   application form   application for membership   application for registration   application from school / private candidate   application is covered by the rules   application may be rejected   application of age limit   application of rules   applications for situations in the gift of local or controlling authorities   apply for sanction   apply with retrospective effect   Appointing authority   appointing authority has reason to believe that   appointment by competitive examination   appointment by nomination   appointmentby promotion   appointment by selection   appointments provided during the currency of the alternative employment scheme   appointments to the subordinate services   apportionment of assets and liabilities   apportionment of responsibility   appraisal of plan progress   appreciable portion of the total assets   appreciate a situation quickly and accurately   appreciation of building construction   apprenticeship period   apprise informally   approach government with a complaint   approach road   appropriate action   appropriate government   appropriate intervals   appropriation accounts   appropriation accounts and reports   approval to byelaws   approved as per remarks in the margin   approved as proposed   approved sample   approved service cerficate   approved subject to   approve of the proposal   approximate closing balance   approximate cost   apropos   arbitrary action   arbitration agreement   arbitration proceedings   area comprised in the pre-reorganisation state   area of supply   area under irrigation   arguments advanced   arising out of   arms firearms and ammunitions   arrear and advance bill   arrears of land revenue   Arrears of posting   arrears of tax   arrears of wages   arrears statement   arrival and departure   articles of association   artistic merit   as above   as a considence   as aforesaid   as against   as a matter of comity   as a matter of course   as a matter of fact   as a matter of right   as amended   as and when   as an early stage   as are deemed fit   as aresult of   as a rule   as a special case   as a temporary measure   as a whole   as before   as changed   as compared with   as correctly as possible   as defined   as described   as desired   as determined   as directed   as early as possible   asets and liabilities   as explained in your memorandum   as far as feasible and convenient   as far as possible   as far as practicable   as fully brought out in this government letter of even no. dated   as hereinafter provided   as heretoforce existing   as hinted   as if   as illustrated below   as in force   as in ordinarily provided   as interpreted by   as it stands   as it stood on-   as late stage   as long as   as may be authorised in this behalf   as may be necessary   as modified   as nearly as possible   as nearly as practicable   as of right   as orginally enacted   as overleaf   as per   as per corrigendum   as per detail below   as per Fundamental Rules / Financial Rules Volume I and volume II   as per instructions   as per item in the schedule   as per need   as per opinion of   as per remarks   as per request   as per Treasury Compilation Rules Volume I and Volume II   as proposed   as regards   as regards the points raised   as required   as respects   as revised   assembling and testing   assessment and re-assessment   assessment of the instalement   assessment of work   assessment order passed   assess to the best of one's judgement   assignment of policy to General Provident Fund account   as soon as   as soon as convinently may be   as soon as may be   as soon as practiable   as soon possible   as stood on   as such   as suggested   assume management   assume plenary responsibility   assuming that   assumption of caharge   assumptions of office   as surmised   as the case may be   as the case may require   as the circumstances of the case may require   as the last resort   as to accounts   as usual   as widely as possible   at any rate   at any time during working hours   at flage X   at hand balance   at least   at liberty to be   at once   at once disposal   at once option   at once risk   at one stage   at par   at public expense   at random   at requiest   attached herewith   attached office   attached to   attendance notice   attendance roll   attentation is invited to   attention is invited to circular no dated   attention is invited to this department memo no dated   attestation of documents   attested by   at the bar of public opinion   at the beginning of the year   at the earliest   at the earliest possible stage   at the end of the year   at the expense of   at the initial stage   at the instance of   at the latest   at the time mentioned above   atthe time of   at this stage   at your convenience   at your earliest convenience   auction the produce   audited contingencies   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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