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शब्दकोश - कार्यदर्शिका
Type: Dictionary
Count : 1,498 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

for approval   for comments   for consideration   for disposal   for early compliance   foregoing note   foreign affairs   foreign currency   foreign exchange   foreign market   foreign service   foreign trade   for expression of opinion   for free distribution   for further action   for guidance   for immediate effect   for information   for information and necessary action   for issue   for necessary action   for obvious reasons   for one's own absolute use and benefit   for one's own absolute use and benefit of   for onward transmission   for opinion   for orders   for perusal   for perusal after issue   for perusal and return   for perusal in post   for prompt action   for proper action   for public purpose   for ready reference   for reasons to be recorded in writing   for record   for remarks   for service and return   for signature   for such action as may be necessary   for sufficient reasons   for suggestions   for sympathetic consideration   for the benefit of=for one's benefit   for the interests of   for the purpose of   for the space of   for the time being   for the time being in force   fortnightly report   fortuitous   fortuitous event   fortuitous promotion   forwarded for immediate compliance   free access (easy access)   free competition   free from all encumbrances   freely and voluntarily   free on rail   free port   free quarters   free tolerance limit   from open market   from the beginning to the end   from time to time   funds at disposal   glaring mistake   good and sufficient reason   good and valid in law   goods in transit   Government are pleased to order   Government Circular   Government land   Government machinery   grace period   gradation list   Grand total   grant-in-aid   gross misconduct   gross negligence   ground-water   ground water survey   guard of honour   guillotine   habitually negligent   habitual offender   half yearly   hand over   hard and fast rules   hard currency   have access to   have reason to believe   having regard to the merits of the case   head office   health certificate   hear in person   hereby   hereinafter   hereinafter mentioned   hereinafter required   hereinbefore   hereto annexed   herewith enclosed   hierarchy   Higher Secondary School   Higher stage   higher start (of pay)   hitherto   hold an office   hold in abeyance   holding company   home consumption   home of family   home town   household effects   household goods   Houseman   housing society   how the matter stands   hypothetical question   I agree   I am directed to state that   I am to add that   I authorise you   identification mark   identification parade   if any   if so   i have satisfied myself   I have the honour to inform   I have the honour to state that   immediate action   immediately after   immediately before   immediately before the commencement of   immediately on the expiry of   immediately preceding   immediately prior to   implementation of programme   implementation of scheme   imputable to   in accordance with   in addition to.....   in addition to his own duties   in a dignified manner   inadvertently   in all humility   in all respects   in answer to   in anticipation of   in any case   in a summary manner   in a summary way   in behalf of   in camera   in charge of   incidence of taxation   incidentally it may be observed   income certificate   in completion of   in compliance with   in consequence of .....   in consideration of   inconsistent with the facts   in consonance with   in consultation with.....   in contemplation of ....   in contemplation of death   in continuation of this Department letter No......dated....   in contradiction of   in contravention of ......   in course of time   in default of ......   indent form   indentin officer   in derogation of   Indian Administration Services   indifferent attitude   in discharge of   indiscriminate use   In due course   in due course of   in due course of law   in due course of power   in due time   industrial complex   Industrial development   industrial peace   industrial units   industrial unrest   ine evasion of   ine excess of one's power   in excess of the requirement   in exchange of   in execution of   in exercie of   in expectation of   in extenso   inferiority complex   informal discussion   infra-structure   in fraud of   in furtherance of   in good faith   in good repairs   In good time   in ignorance of   in immediate neighbourhood   in individual capacity   initial enquiry   initiative   inland waterways   in lieu of ......   in like manner   in matters of   in official capacity   in one's favour   in one's official capacity   in one's power   in one's presence   in one's presence or hearing   in opposition to   in order to .......   in ordinary circumstances   in ordinary use   inordinate delay   in or towards   in part   in partial modification   in perpetuity   in person   in preference to.....   in present   in private   in professed exercise of   in proof of   in proportion   in proportion to   in prosecution of the proceedings   in purported exercise of   in pursuance of ......   inputs   in regard to.....   in relation to   in reliance on   in respect of .......   in restraint of   in rotation   in session   in so far as   Inspection   inspection note   inspection report   instead of   instructions are awaited   in submission to   in substance   in succession   in supersession of .......   in support of.....   intake capacity   integrated plan   intelligence test   intensive care unit   intensive cultivation   Interest free loan   interim arrangement   Interim reply is put up   in terms and effect   in terms of   interruption   interruption in service   inter se seniority   inter vivos   in the above circumstances it is requested that   in the absence of   in the absence of agreement to the countrary   in the absence of contract to the contrary   in the absence of evidence to the contrary   in the absence of information   in the absence of proof   in the advancement of   in the behalf   in the capacity of   in the circumstances   in the context of   in the course of ......   in the course of duty   in the discretion of=in one's discretion   in the event of ......   in the exercise of   in the exercise or purported exercise of   In the first instance   in the first place   in the interest of administrative convenience   in the letter under reference   in the light of facts mentioned above   in the near future   in the opinion of the State Government   in the ordinary course of   in the ordinary course of business   in the presence of ......   in the public interest   in this behalf   Intimation   In token of --   in trust for   invariably   in view of the above   in virtue of   ipso-facto   irrespective of   irrigated land   irrigation   irrigation area   irrigation cess   irrigation charges   irrigation dues   irrigation potential   irrigation project   irrigation revenue   irrigation schemes   irrigation works   I shall be grateful   I shall be thankful   I shall feel obliged   issue as amended   issue as modified   issue as redrafted   issue by registered post acknowledgment due   issue today   it is for consideration whether....   it is for orders whether   it is further requested that   it is implied   it is not feasible   it is presumed that   it is quite evident   it is regretted that   it is unreasonable to insist on   it may be added that   it may be pointed out that   it means that   I trust   it was considered desirable to...   it will not constitute any interruption of service   joining date   joining report   joining time   joint cadre   Joint responsibility   Journey on tour   Journey on transfer   judicial enquiry   just and reasonable   justice, equity and good conscience   justification for the proposal   juvenile offender   keep in abeyance   keep in await   keep pace   keep pending   keep watch on   key village centre   kindly acknowledge receipt   kindly confirm   kindly let me know   know-how   knowingly   knowingly and wilfully   lack of discipline   Land holder   landless   land locked   Land mortgage bank   land records   land reforms   Land revenue   land route   last hereinbefore   Last pay certificate   late turn duties   law and order   lay on the table of the house   Layout   Leave admissible   leave allowance   leave at credit   leave due   leave not due   leave of absene   leave on average pay   leave preparatory to retirement   leave reservist   Leave salary   leave travel concession   Leave vacancy   Leave without pay   leave with pay   ledger book   Ledger folio   legislative affairs   legislative assembly question   legislative business   legislative council question   length of service   licence fee   life certificate   life insurance   lift   Lift irrigation   limited on (event etc.)   limited to   limited until   line of action   linked file   link the file   list of invitees   live register   living wage(s)   load of work   loan register   loans overdue   local authority   local fund   Local purchase   local self-government   lock out   Log book   long term   Loss in transit   loss of revenue   lost property   lower age limit   lower stage   low paid employees   lump sum   machinery   mailing-list   maintenance   maintenance allowance   maintenance and repairs   maintenance charges   maintenance of discipline   majority vote   make a reference   mala fide   malnutrition   malpractice   management   managing committee   man-made   man-power   marginal farmer   Marginal variation   margin of profit   market committee   Market price   master plan   Material   material to the case   matter is under active consideration   matter is under consideration   matter of policy   maximum price   may be agreed to   may be considered   may be filed   may be informed accordingly   may be returned whem done with   may be verified   may please see   means of communication   Means of livelihood   meeting was adjourned   memorandum   merit certificate   meritorious work   merits and demerits   Minor irrigation   minute of dissent   minutes   mobilisation of resources   modus operandi   monopoly   monopoly cotton procurement scheme   mortis causa   motion of confidence   motion of no-confidence   movement register   multipurpose project   municipal administration   municipal affairs   municipal area   municipal council   municipality   municipal president   municipal tax   mutation register   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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