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"i" Words

in spite of   in spite of a thorough search the relevant file is not traceable   in statu quo   in stock   in stock position   in store and window display   in style   in submission to   in substance   in succession   in successive phases   in supersession of .......   in support of.....   in tandem   in terms and effect   in terms of   in that behalf   in that location   in that respect   in the above circumstances it is requested that   in the absence of   in the absence of agreement to the countrary   in the absence of contract to the contrary   in the absence of evidence to the contrary   in the absence of information   in the absence of proof   in the advancement of   in the aggregate   in the beginning   in the behalf   in the capacity of   in the case of ........   in the circumstances   in the circusmstance   in the context of   in the course of ......   in the course of duty   in the discretion of=in one's discretion   in the event of ......   in the exercise of   in the exercise or purported exercise of   In the first instance   in the first place   in the following manner   In the form of a personal security bond   in the framework of .......   in the initial stage   in the interest of administrative convenience   in the interest of public servants   in the interest of....   in the intetest of.....   in the lead   in the least   in the letter under reference   in the light of .......   in the light of facts mentioned above   in the limit   in the lump   in the mail price   in the matter of ......   in the mean time   in the meantime   in the middle   in the midst   in the name of   in the nature of   in the near future   in the opinion of   in the opinion of the State Government   in the ordinary course of   in the ordinary course of business   In the personal custody   in the pipe line   in the prescribed manner   in the presence of ......   in the prevailing circumatances   in the public interest   in the red   in the rough   in the safe custody   in the same manner   in the same sense   in the same way   In the subjoined form   in the usual course   in theory   in these terms   in this behalf   in this connection   in this connection i have to state that   in this connection, we draw your attention to paragraph ......thereof   in this instance   in this way   in time   In token of --   in token of having scrutinised   in toto   in transit   in triplicate   in trust for   
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