संधानम् [sandhānam] 1 Joining, uniting; वायुः संधानम्
[T. Up.1.3.2.] Union, junction, combination; यदर्धे विच्छिन्नं भवति कृत- संधानमिव तत्
[Ś.1.9;] [Ku.5.27;] [R.12.11.] Mixing, compounding (of medicines &c.).
Restoration, repairing.
Fitting, taking an aim, fixing (as an arrow to the bow-string); तत् साधुकृतसंधानं प्रतिसंहर सायकम्
[Ś.1.11;] अथाग्नियन्त्रसंधानविशेषोदग्रविक्रमान्
[Śiva. B.3.1;] [Śi.2.8.] Alliance, league, friendship; peace; मृद्घट- वत् सुखभेद्यो दुःसंधानश्च दुर्जनो भवति
[H.1.88] (where it has sense 1 also).
A joint; पादजङ्घयोः संधाने गुल्फः
[Suśr.] Attention.
Distillation (of liquors).
Spirituous liquor or a kind of it.
A kind of relish eaten to excite thirst.
Preparation of pickles.
Contraction of the skin by means of astringents.
Sour rice-gruel.
Bellmetal (सौराष्ट्र).