शङ्खिन् mfn. (
-ङ्खी-ङ्खिनी-ङ्खि) Possessing or having a conch or shell, &c. m. (
2. The ocean.
3. A shell-blower.
4. A worker in shells.
f. (
1. A sort of grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.)
2. A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.)
3. A description of woman, one of the four classes into which females are divided in erotic writings; the Śankhinī is described as tall, with long hair, neither stout nor thin, of irascible disposition and strong passions.
4. A goddess or Śaktī worshipped by the Bauddhas.
5. A female spirit or goblin.
E. शङ्ख a shell,
इनि aff.