त्रि—शङ्कु m. m.
N. of a sage, [TUp. i, 10]
A philosopher. He is mentioned in several places in [Taittirīyopaniṣad] .
of a king of अयोध्या (aspiring to ascend to heaven in his mortal body, he first requested वसिष्ठ to perform a great sacrifice for him; on वसिष्ठ's refusing he applied to वसिष्ठ's hundred sons, who cursed and degraded him to the rank of a चण्डाल [hence called a चण्डाल king, [Divyâv. xxxiii] ]; विश्वा-मित्र then undertook the sacrifice for him and invited all the gods, who declined to come and thereby so enraged the sage that, by his own power, he transported
T° to heaven; on his being hurled down again head foremost by the gods, he was arrested in his course by विश्वा-मित्र and remained suspended in the sky, forming the southern cross constellation, R. i, 57 59 G. ff. [son of पृथु]; [Hariv. 730 ff.] and, [VP. iv, 3, 13 f.] [son of त्रय्यारुण]; [son of त्रि-बन्धन] [BhP. ix, 7] ), [MBh. i, xiii &c.]
a cat, [L.]
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