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   { muṇḍa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
MUṆḌA I   A warrior of the country of Muṇḍa. In the great battle the Muṇḍas were present in the Kaurava's army. [Śloka 9, Chapter 56, Bhīṣma Parva] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : सिर, मुंड, मुंड, बुज्जा


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
मुण्ड  mfn. mf()n. shaved, bald, having the head shaved or the hair shorn, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
having no horns, hornless (as a cow or goat), [Var.]
stripped of top leaves or branches, lopped (as a tree), [MBh.]
pointless, blunt, [Kathās.]
without awns or a beard (a kind of corn), [L.]
low, mean, [W.]
मुण्ड  m. m. a man with a shaven head, bald-headed man, [Yājñ. i, 271] (also applied to शिव), [MBh.]
the trunk of a lopped tree, [W.]
a barber, [L.]
N. of राहु, [L.]
of a दैत्य, [Hariv.]
of a king, [Buddh.]
pl.N. of a people, [MBh.]
of a dynasty, [VP.]
मुण्ड  n. n. ([L.] also n.) a shaven head, any head, [Kāv.] ; [Rājat.]
मुण्ड  n. n. iron, [L.]
myrrh, [L.]


मुण्ड [muṇḍa] a.  a. [मुण्ड्-घञ्]
Shaved, bald; रावणश्च मया दृष्टो मुण्डस्तैलसमुक्षितः [Rām.5.27.19;] चरन् भैक्ष्यं मुनिर्मुण्डः [Mb.12.] 9.12.
Lopped, stripped of top leaves.
Blunt, pointless.
Ved. Hornless.
Low, mean.
ण्डः A man with a shaved or bald head; स्वप्नेऽवगाहतेऽत्यर्थं जलं मुण्डांश्च पश्यति [Y.1.272.]
A bald or shaven head.
The forehead.
A barber.
The trunk of a tree stripped of its top-branches; मुण्डतालवनानीव चकार स रथव्रजान् [Mb.6.16.14.]
An epithet of Rāhu.
 N. N. of one of the twelve principal Upaniṣads; मुण्डमाण्डूक्य- तित्तिरिः. -m. pl. N. of a people.
ण्डा N. of a plant (मुण्डीरिका).
Bengal madder.
A female mendicant of a particular order.
ण्डम् The head; अङ्गं गलितं पलितं मुण्डम् Śaṅkarāchārya.
Iron. -Comp.
-अयसम्   iron.
-आसनम्   a particular posture in sitting.-चणकः a kind of pulse (कलाय).
-जम्   steel.
-फलः   a cocoa-nut tree.
मण्डली a number of shaven heads.
a number of troops of an inferior kind, a mere crowd or mob; वरमल्पबलं सारं न कुर्यान्मुण्डमण्डलीम् [H.3.82.] -लोहम् iron.
-शालिः   a kind of rice.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
मुण्ड  mfn.  (-ण्डः-ण्डा-ण्डं)
1. Shaved, bald, having no hair on the head. 2. Low, mean.
 mn.  (-ण्डः-ण्डं)
1. The head.
2. The forehead.
 m.  (-ण्डः)
1. A bald pate.
2. A barber.
3. The name of a Daitya or Demon.
4. RĀHU, the personified ascending node.
5. The trunk of a lopped tree.
 f.  (-ण्डा) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.)
E. मुडि to shave or cut, aff. घञ् .
मुडि घञ् .


See : खल्वाट, अधम

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