भोगः [bhōgḥ] [भुज्-घञ्]
Eating, consuming.
Enjoyment, fruition.
Utility, advantage.
Ruling, governing, government.
Use, application (as of a deposit).
Suffering, enduring, experiencing.
Feeling, perception.
Enjoyment of women, sexual enjoyment, carnal pleasure.
An enjoyment, an object of enjoyment or pleasure; भोगे रोगभयम्
[Bh.3.35;] भोगा मेघवितानमध्यविलसत्सौदामिनीचञ्चलाः
[Bh.3.54;] भोगो विभवभेदश्च निष्कृतिर्मुक्तिरेव च Brav. P.;
[Bg.1.32.] A repast, feast, banquet.
Food offered to an idol.
Profit, gain.
Income, revenue.
Wealth; भोगान् भोगानिवाहेयानध्यास्यापन्न दुर्लभा
[Ki.11.23.] The wages of prostitutes.
A curve, coil, winding.
The (expanded) hood of a snake; श्वसदसितभुजङ्गभोगाङ्गदग्रन्थि &c.
[Māl.5.23;] [R.1.7;11.59.] A snake.
The body.
An army in column.
The passing (of an asterism).
The part of the ecliptic occupied by each of the 27 Nakṣatras.-Comp.
-अर्ह a. a. fit to be enjoyed. (-र्हम्) property, wealth.
-अर्ह्यम् corn, grain.
-आधिः a pledge which may be used until redeemed.
-आवली the panegyric of a professional encomiast; नग्नः स्तुतिव्रतस्तस्य ग्रन्थो भोगावली भवेत्;
[Abh. Ch.795;] भोगावलीः कलगिरोऽवसरेषु पेठुः
[Śi.5.67.] -आवासः the apartments of women, harem.
-करः a. a. affording enjoyment or pleasure.-गुच्छम् wages paid to prostitutes.
-गृहम् the women's apartments, harem, zenana.
तृष्णा desire of worldly enjoyments; तदुपस्थितमग्रहीदजः पितुराज्ञेति न भोगतृष्णया
[R.8.2;] selfish enjoyment;
[Māl.2.] -देहः 'the body of suffering', the subtle body which a dead person is supposed to carry with him, and with which he experiences happiness or misery according to his good or bad actions.
-धरः a serpent.
-नाथः a nourisher, supporter.
-पतिः the governor or ruler of a district or province.
-पत्रम् an Inām deed;
[Śukra. 2.295.] -पालः a groom.
-पिशाचिका hunger.
-भुज् a. a. enjoying pleasures. -m a wealthy man.
-भूमिः f. f. 'the land of enjoyment', heaven, paradise (where persons are said to enjoy the fruit of their actions).
-भृतकः a servant who works only for livelihood.
लाभः acquisition of enjoyment or profit.
well-being, welfare.-वस्तु n. an object of enjoyment.
-सद्मन् n. n. = भोगावास q. v.
स्थानम् the body, as the seat of enjoyment.
women's apartments.