Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
Intensively or enhancingly of भरभरणें q. v. 2 To fly up with a quick motion and with a भर! 3 fig. To run after or take to with headlong eagerness and vehemence. 4 To blaze up fiercely--fire: to get up and blow strongly--wind: to fly wildly about--smoke, dust, powders: to rise rapidly and greatly--a blister: to swell or puff up--a boil or tumor. 5 To thrive or prosper greatly--affairs, trade. 6 The participle in the ऊन form, भरारून, is much used as ad in the applications of भरार.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
v i   Fly up. Blaze up fiercely. Prosper.

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