The city of Vāyu (the wind God). There are said to be nine cities on top of Mount Mahāmeru:
(1) Manovatī of Brahmā at the centre,
(2) Just on the eastern side of it Amarāvatī of Indra,
(3) Agni's Tejovatī in the south-eastern corner,
(4) Maya's Saṁyamanī in the south, 5) Nirṛti's Kṛṣṇāñjanā in thesouth-western corner,
(6) Śraddhāvatī of Varuṇa on the west,
(7) Gandhavatī of Vāyu in the northwestern corner,
(8) Mahodayā of Kubera on the north, and
(9) Yaśovatī of Īśāna in the north-eastern corner. [Devībhāgavata, Aṣṭama Skandha] .
गन्ध—वती f. f. =
-मात्रि, [L.]
a kind of jasmine, [L.]
°धोत्तमा = , [L.]
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