प्राप्त [prāpta] p.p. p. p. p.
Got, obtained, won, acquired.
Reached, attained to.
Met with, found.
Incurred, suffered, endured; सभार्येण सराष्ट्रेण यत् प्राप्तं तत्र तत्त्वतः (संप्रपश्यति)
[Rām.1.3.3.] Arrived, come, present.
Proper, right.
Following from a rule,
Described (as a symptom).
Fixed, placed.
(In gram.) Following from a rule, valid. Comp. -अनुज्ञa. one who has got permission to go, allowed to depart.-अपराध a. guilty of an offence.
-अर्थ a. a. successful.(-र्थः) an object gained.
-अवसर a.
finding occasion or opportunity.
timely, seasonable. (-रः) a fit or suitable time.
-उदय a. a. one who has attained rise or exaltation.
-कर्मन् n. n. that which results or follows from a preceding rule.
-कारिन् a. a. doing what is right.-काल a.
opportune, seasonable, suitable; see अप्राप्तकाल.
fated, destined. (-लः) a fit time, suitable or favourable moment. (-लम्) ind. seasonably, opportunely, timely; अप्राप्तकालं वचनं बृहस्पतिरपि ब्रुवन्
[Pt.1.] 63.
-क्रम a. a. fit, proper, suitable.
-जीवन a. a. revived, restored to life.
-दोष a. a. guilty.
-पञ्चत्व a. a. resolved into the five elements, i. e. dead; cf. पञ्चत्व.
delivered of a child.
near her confinement; प्राप्तप्रसव- मात्मानं गङ्गादेव्यां विमुञ्चति
[U.7.2.] -बीज a. a. sown.
recovering, regaining one's consciousness.
instructed, enlightened.
-भारः a beast of burden.
-वः a young bullock.
-मनोरथ a. a. one who has obtained his desired object.
-यौवन a. a. being in the bloom of youth, arrived at the age of puberty, youthful.
handsome, beautiful.
wise, learned.
charming, attractive.
fit, proper, worthy.
-वर a. a. fraught with blessings.
-व्यवहार a. a. come of age, being able and legally authorised to manage his own affairs (opp. 'minor').
-श्री a. a. one who owes his rise (to another); इतः स दैत्यः प्राप्तश्रीर्नेत एवार्हति क्षयम्
[Ku.2.55;] [Pt.1.244.] -सूर्य a. a. having the sun (vertical).