प्रयोगः [prayōgḥ] 1 Use, application, employment; as in शब्दप्रयोगः, अयं शब्दो भूरिप्रयोगः- अल्पप्रयोगः 'this word is generally or rarely used'.
A usual form, general usage.
Hurling, throwing, discharging, (opp. संहारः); प्रयोगसंहारविभक्तमन्त्रम्
[R.5.57.] Exhibition, performance, representation (dramatic), acting; देव प्रयोगप्रधानं हि नाट्यशास्त्रम्
[M.1;] नाटिका न प्रयोगतो दृष्टा Ratn.1 'not seen acted on the stage'; आ परितोषाद्विदुषां न साधु मन्ये प्रयोग- विज्ञानम्
[Ś.1.2.] Practice, experimental portion (of a subject); (opp. शास्त्र 'theory'); तदत्रभवानिमं मां च शास्त्रे प्रयोगे च विमृशतु
[M.1.] Course of procedure, ceremonial form.
An act, action.
Recitation, delivery.
Beginning, commencement.
A plan, contrivance, device, scheme.
A means, instrument; नयप्रयोगाविव गां जिगीषोः
[Ki.17.38.] Consequence, result.
Combination, connection.
(In gram.) A usual form.
Offering, presenting.
(a) Principal, loan bearing interest. (b) Lending money on usury; प्रतिबन्धः प्रयोगो व्यवहारोऽवस्तारः ...... कोशक्षयः
[Kau.A.2.7.26;] also कोशद्रव्याणां वृद्धिप्रयोगः
A sacred text or authority. A text which brings together the various धर्मs of a विकृति. A प्रयोगवचन, however, does this only when धर्मs are made available by the चोदक which, therfore, is said to be the stronger of the two. चोदको हि प्रयोग- वचनाद् बलवत्तरः । ŚB. on
[MS.5.1.8.] A cause; motive.
An example.
Application of magic, magical rites.
A horse. -Comp.
-अतिशयः One of the five kinds of प्रस्तावना or prologue, in which a part of performance is superseded by another in such a manner that a character is suddenly brought on the stage; i. e. where the Sūtradhāra goes out hinting the entrance of a character and thus performs a part superseding that which he has apparently intended for his own, viz. dancing; the
[S. D.] thus defines it: यदि प्रयोग एकस्मिन् प्रयोगोऽन्यः प्रयुज्यते । तेन पात्रप्रवेशश्चेत् प्रयोगातिशयस्तदा ॥ 29.
-अर्थः (= प्रत्युत्क्रमः q. v.).-ग्रहणम् acquirement of practice.
-चतुर, -निपुण a.
skilled in practice;
[M.3;] चतुःषष्टिकलागमप्रयोगचतुरः
[Dk.2.] 5.
practically experienced.
-वीर्यम् (with Buddhists) energy in practice.
-शास्त्रम् the कल्पसूत्र, which lays down the प्रयोग of various sacrificial acts; प्रयोगशास्त्रमिति चेत्