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   { paruṣa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
PARUṢA   A Rākṣasa (demon). He was one among the twelve demons who supported Khara when the latter fought against Śrī Rāma. [Sarga 26, Araṇya Kāṇḍa, Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa] .


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
  Harsh, rough. Cruel, rugged.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
परुष  f. amf()n. (older f.प॑रुष्णी) knotty (as reed), [AV.]
spotted, variegated, dirty-coloured, [RV.] &c. &c.
hard, stiff, rugged, rough, uneven, shaggy, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
intertwined with creepers (as a tree), [Kathās.]
अम्  n. piercing, keen, sharp, violent, harsh, severe, unkind, ib. (ind.)
परुष  m. m. a reed, [AV.]
an arrow, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [Lāṭy.]
Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum, [L.]
N. of a demon, [Suparṇ.]
परुष  n. n. harsh and contumelious speech, abuse, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
the fruit of Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum, [L.]
a species of Barleria with blue flowers, [L.]
परुष   c See under परु.


परुष [paruṣa] a.  a. [पॄ-उषन्]
Hard, rough, rugged, stiff (opp. मृदु or श्लक्ष्ण); परुषं चर्म, परुषा माला &c.
Harsh, abusive, severe, unkind, cruel, stern (as words); (वाक्) अपरुषा परुषाक्षरमीरिता [R.9.8;] [Pt.1.5;] said also of a person; स्निग्धे यत् परुषासि [Gīt.9;] [Y.1.31.]
Harsh or disagreeable to the ear (as a sound &c.); तेन वज्रपरुषस्वनं धनुः [R.11.46;] [Me.63.]
Rough, coarse, rough to the touch, shaggy (as hair); शुद्धस्नानात् परुष- मलकम् [Me.92.]
Sharp, violent, strong, keen, piercing (wind &c.); निर्गच्छतस्तु शक्रस्य परुषः पवनो ववौ [Rām.7.28.] 28; परुषपवनवेगोत्क्षिप्तसंशुष्कपर्णः [Rs.1.22;2.28.]
Spotted, variegated.
Ved. Knotted.
Similar; L. D. B.
-षम्   A harsh or abusive speech, abuse. -Comp.
-अक्षर a.  a. using harsh or abusive language; गीर्भिर्गुरूणां परुषाक्षराभिस्तिरस्कृता यान्ति नरा महत्त्वम्-आक्षेपः (In Rhet.) an objection or contradiction containing harsh words; इत्येष परुषाक्षेपः परुषाक्षरपूर्वकम् [Kāv.2.144.]
-इतर a.  a. other than rough, soft, mild; प्रस्पन्दमानपरुषेतरतारमन्तश्चक्षुः [R.5.68.]
-उक्ति  f. f.,
-वचनम्   abusive or harsh language.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
परुष  mfn.  (-षः-षा-षं)
1. Harsh, abusive, (speech.)
2. Rough, rugged. 3. Severe, cruel, unkind.
4. Variegated in colour.
5. Shaggy, rough to the touch.
6. Sharp, piercing.
 n.  (-षं)
1. Harsh and contume- lious speech, abuse.
2. Yellow Barleria.
 m.  (-षः) A sort of tree, (Xylocarpus granatum.)
E. पॄ to fill or satisfy, उषन् Unādi aff.
पॄ उषन्

Related Words

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