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   { nigrah }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नि-√ ग्रह्   P.Ā.-गृह्णाति, णीते (dat.inf.-ग्र॑भे, [RV.] ), to hold down, lower, depress, [RV.] ; [TS.] ; KātyŚr.;
to keep or hold back, draw near, attract, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.;
to seize, catch, hold, hold fast, stop, restrain, suppress, curb, tame, punish, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to contract, close (as the eyes), ii, 13/14">[Mṛcch. ii, 13/14] Caus.-ग्राहयति, to cause to be apprehended or seized, [Daś.] :
Caus. of Desid.-जिघृक्षयति (p.°षयत्), to cause any one to desire to overpower or excel, [Bhaṭṭ.]
नि ग्रह्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निग्रह् [nigrah]   9 P
   To keep or hold down, keep in check.
   To curb, restrain, suppress, control; निगृह्य शोकम् [K.25;] स्वकं तेजो निगृह्य [Pt.3.174;] [Bg.2.68;] [R.5.59;] 14.85.
   To stop, obstruct; निगृहीतो बलाद् द्वारि [Mb.]
   To punish, chastise; अधार्मिकं त्रिभिर्न्यायैर्निगृह्णीयात् प्रयत्नतः [Ms.8.31;9.38.]
   To seize, catch, apprehend, lay hold of; तमार्यगृह्यं निगृहीतधेनुः [R.2.33.]
   To close or contract (as eyes); माथुरोऽक्षिणी निगृह्य [Mk.2.]
   To subdue, conquer, overpower; प्रज्ञया निग्रहीतुं शक्यः [Mu.1;] 1.28.
   To draw in, restrain; निगृह्यन्तामभीशवः [Ś.1.]


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