Dictionaries | References द देवसेना { devasenā } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words देवसेना Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 DEVASENĀ Dakṣa's daughter and wife of Subrahmaṇya and a woman of rare beauty and purity. Daityasenā and Devasenā, daughters of Dakṣa, used to enjoy themselves at Mānasa saras. One day Keśī, the asura saw them and craved for their love. Daityasenā agreed to become his wife, but Devasenā refused, and she prayed for the help of Indra, who happened to come there at the moment. Indra and Keśī fought with each other. Keśī used the club against Indra, who broke it into two with his vajrāyudha. Then Keśī hurled a mountain at Indra, who cut it also. Frightened to death Keśī then ran away with Daityasenā to safety, and Devasenā expressed her desire to Indra to have one who could defeat the Devas, Dānavas and Yakṣas as her husband. But, Indra could not find such a one in the whole universe. Indra told Brahmā about it. The Devas put their heads together and brought forth Subrahmaṇya from Śiva to be her husband. In the war between the Devas and the asuras Devasenā helped Subrahmaṇya, and the asuras were completely destroyed. [Vana Parva, Chapters 223, 224] . देवसेना हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 noun ब्रह्मा की पुत्री जो अंतरिक्ष की माता मानी जाती हैं Ex. देवसेना शुक्र की पत्नी हैं । ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:सिनीवालीWordnet:benদেবসেনা gujદેવસેના kanದೇವಸೇನಾ kasدیوسینا , سِنیٖوالی kokदेवसेना malദേവസേന marदेवसेना oriଦେବସେନା panਦੇਵਸੇਨਾ sanदेवसेना tamதேவசேனை telదేవసేనా urdدیوسینا देवसेना प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 देवसेना n. दक्ष प्रजापति की कन्या । केशी दैत्य इसे हरण कर ले जा रहा था । इस वक्त इंद्र ने इसे छुडाया । पश्चात् इसने कार्तिकेय को वरण किया [म.व.२१३.१,२१८.४७] । महाभारत में दी गयी देवसेना की कथा अरुपकात्मक प्रतीत होते है । देवसेना कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani Konkani Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 noun अंतरिक्षाची आवय मानतात अशी ब्रह्माची धूव Ex. देवसेना ही शुक्राची बायल ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benদেবসেনা gujદેવસેના hinदेवसेना kanದೇವಸೇನಾ kasدیوسینا , سِنیٖوالی malദേവസേന marदेवसेना oriଦେବସେନା panਦੇਵਸੇਨਾ sanदेवसेना tamதேவசேனை telదేవసేనా urdدیوسینا देवसेना मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 noun ब्रह्माची पुत्री जिला अंतरिक्षाची माता म्हटले जाते Ex. देवसेना ही शुक्राची पत्नी आहे. ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:सिनीवालीWordnet:benদেবসেনা gujદેવસેના hinदेवसेना kanದೇವಸೇನಾ kasدیوسینا , سِنیٖوالی kokदेवसेना malദേവസേന oriଦେବସେନା panਦੇਵਸੇਨਾ sanदेवसेना tamதேவசேனை telదేవసేనా urdدیوسینا देवसेना A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 देव—सेना m. f. a host of celestials, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] &c. (pl. the hosts of देव or ईशान, [ĀpGṛ. h. xx, 5] ; -पति [[L.] ] m. and -प्रिय [[MBh.] ] m.N. of स्कन्द) ROOTS:देव सेनाN. of a daughter of प्रजा-पति or niece (daughter, [L.] ) of इन्द्र and wife of स्कन्द, [MBh.] ; [Pur.] मूल-प्रकृति a particle of , [W.] ROOTS:मूल प्रकृतिN. of Comm. on [Kum.] देवसेना Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 देवसेना f. (-ना)1. The daughter of INDRA.2. An army or host of celes- tials.E. देव Indra or any deity, and सेना an army. ROOTS:देव सेना देवसेना संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 noun ब्रह्मदेवस्य पुत्री या अन्तरीक्षस्य माता अस्ति इति मन्यन्ते। Ex. देवसेना शुक्रस्य पत्नी आसीत्। ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benদেবসেনা gujદેવસેના hinदेवसेना kanದೇವಸೇನಾ kasدیوسینا , سِنیٖوالی kokदेवसेना malദേവസേന marदेवसेना oriଦେବସେନା panਦੇਵਸੇਨਾ tamதேவசேனை telదేవసేనా urdدیوسینا noun एका टीका । Ex. देवसेना इति कुमारसम्भवस्य टीका वर्तते noun प्रजापतेः कन्या । Ex. देवसेना स्कन्दस्य पत्नी आसीत् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP