Dictionaries | References


   { taṇḍakḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
तण्डक  mn. mn. (g.अर्धर्चा-दि) a complete preparation, [L.,] Sch.,
composition abounding in compound words, [L.]
the upright post of a house, [L.]
तण्डक  m. m. a juggler, [L.]
the trunk of a tree, [L.]
foam, [L.]
a wagtail, [L.]
ताण्ड्°   cf..
तण्डक  n. n. (also) a ship, [Nalac.]


तण्डकः [taṇḍakḥ]   [तण्ड्-ण्वुल्]
A juggler, a cheat.
Froth, foam.
A wag-tail.
कः कम् Complete performance or preparation.
The upright post of a house.
A composition abounding in compounds.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
तण्डक  mn.  (-कः-कं) Complete performance or preparation.
 m.  (-कः) 1. A wag-tail.
2. Froth, foam.
3. The trunk of a tree.
4. The up- [Page301-b+ 60] right post of a house.
5. A compound word.
6. A juggler. a cheat.
E. तडि to beat or kill, affix ण्वुल्.
तडि ण्वुल्

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