गुच्छः [gucchḥ] 1 A bundle, bunch (in general); गुच्छगुल्मं तु विविधम्
[Ms.1.48.] A bunch of flowers, a cluster of blossoms, a clump (of trees &c.); अक्ष्णोर्निक्षिपदञ्जनं श्रवणयोस्तापिच्छगुच्छावलिम्
[Gīt.11;] [Ms.1.48;] [Śi.6.5;] [Y.2.229.] The plumage of a peacock.
A necklace of pearls (in general).
A pearl necklace of 32 (or, according to some, of 7) strings;
[Kau.A. 2.11.] -Comp.
-अर्धः a pearl necklace of 24 strings. (-र्धः,
-र्धम्) half of a cluster.
-कणिशः a kind of corn.
-पत्रः the palm tree.
फलः the vine.
plantain tree.