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   { ketumatī }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KETUMATĪ   Mother of Prahasta, a minister of Rāvaṇa. Ketumatī had two sisters Sundarī and Vasudhā. These three were daughters of a Gandharva woman. Giant Heti, the son of Brahmā married Bhayā and Vidyutkeśa was born to the couple. Sukeśa was born to Vidyutkeśa by his wife Sālakaṭaṅkā. Three sons Mālyavān, Sumālī and Mālī were born to Sukeśa by his wife Daivavatī. Sundarī, Ketumatī and Vasudhā the three beautiful sisters mentioned above, were married by the giants Mālyavān, Sumālī and Mālī respectively. Thus Ketumatī became the wife of Sumālī. To Sumālī and Ketumatī were born ten sons, Prahasta, Akampana, Vikaṭa, Kālakāmukha, Dhūmrākṣa, Daṇḍa, Supārśva, Saṁhrāda, Prakvāta and Bhāsakarṇa and four daughters Vekā, Puṣpotkaṭā, Kaikasī and Kumbhīnasī. Most of the sons were ministers of Rāvaṇa. [Uttara Rāmāyaṇa] .


केतुमती n.  सुमालि राक्षस की स्त्री । रावण की नानी ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
केतु—मती  f. f. a metre (of 2 x 21 syllables)
केतु मती
   N. of the wife of सुमालिन्, [R. vii, 5, 37]
   N. of a locality, [W.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  सुमालिनः पत्नी ।   Ex. केतुमत्याः वर्णनं रामायणे समुपलभ्यते/सुमालिनोऽपि भार्यासीत् पूर्णचद्रनिभानना/नाम्ना केतुमती राम प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसी
 noun  एकः प्रदेशः ।   Ex. केतुमत्याः वर्णनं कोशे वर्तते

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