Dictionaries | References क कृतद्युति { kṛtadyuti } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words कृतद्युति Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 KṚTADYUTI Queen of King Citraketu. Though the King had many wives he had no children. He pleased Aṅgiras by means of his austerities and due to the latter's blessing Kṛtadyuti delivered a son. But, her co-wives poisoned the child to death at which both Citraketu and Kṛtadyuti fell down unconscious. Though Aṅgiras and Nārada appeared on the scene and tried their best to console the King and the queen they refused to be comforted. Then Aṅgiras returned to them the soul of the dead child. The soul saluted them and spoke as follows:--“Oh elders, during various births I had been the son of various parents. And, you please point out to me the particular parent as whose son I am to live just now.” Nobody had any answer to this question, and the child went on its own way. Afterwards Citraketu and Kṛtadyuti went round the earth as great devotees of the Almighty, and during this perambulation Citraketu came to the presence of Śiva on whose thigh Pārvatī was sitting then. Citraketu felt ashamed at the sight and questioned Pārvatī about her action whereupon she cursed and turned Citraketu into an Asura. The well known Vṛtrāsura was Citraketu thus reborn. Kṛtadyuti ended her life following the curse upon her husband. [Bhāgavata, 6th Skandha] . कृतद्युति प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कृतद्युति n. चित्रकेतु राजा की करोड स्त्रियों में से ज्येष्ठ । इसे अंगिराऋषि की कृपा से पुत्र हुआ । यह इसकी सौतों को सहन नहीं हुआ । इसलिये उन्होंने इसके पुत्र को विष दिया । परंतु अंगिरा ने उसे पुनः जीवित किया [भा. ६.१४] ; चित्रकेतु देखिये । कृतद्युति A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कृत—द्युति f. f.N. of the wife of king चित्र-केतु, [BhP. vi, 14, 30.] ROOTS:कृत द्युति Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP