Dictionaries | References क कान्तार { kāntārḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words कान्तार A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कान्तार mn. mn. a large wood, forest, wilderness, waste, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Yājñ. ii, 38] ; [Kathās.] ; [Pañcat.] a difficult road through a forest, forest-path, [L.] a hole, cavity, [L.] कान्तार m. m. a red variety of the sugar-cane, [Suśr.] a bamboo, [L.] the mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata), [L.] (in music) a kind of measureकान्तार n. n. a national calamity, calamity, [Kāraṇḍ.] ; xlvii, 15 and 20the blossom of a kind of lotus, lotus, [L.] a symptom or symptomatic disease, [W.] कान्तार The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कान्तारः [kāntārḥ] रम् [ram] रम् 1 A large or dreary forest; गृहं तु गृहिणीहीनं कान्तारादतिरिच्यते [Pt.4.81;] [Bh.1.86;] [Y.2.38.] A bad road.A hole, cavity.रः A red variety of the sugar-cane.Mountain ebony.A bamboo.-री A kind of sugar-caneरम् A symptom.A lotus.A class of the six-storeyed buildings. [Māna.24.13-14] कान्तार Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कान्तार mn. (-रः-रं)1. A had or difficult road.2. A wood, a forest.3. A hole, a cavity. m. (-रः)1. A red variety of the sugar-cane. 2. A bamboo.3. Mountain ebony. n. (-रं)1. A symptom or sympto- matic disease.2. A lotus. f. (-री) A sort of sugar-cane.E. कान् for कञ्चित् any one, here meaning no one, तृ to go, in the causal, form, अच् affix; allowing none to pass; or क pleasure, &c. अन्त end, ऋ to go, अण् aff. ROOTS:कान् कञ्चित् तृ अच् क अन्त ऋ अण् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP