Dictionaries | References क कांडाळणें Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कांडाळणें A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | To scratch to allay an itching. forming long and strong, i.e. to be shooting up vigorously;--used of जोंधळा, बाजरा &c. Hence fig. To grow or shoot up--a child. 2 In some districts, as around Nashik &c. To get black and diseased at the joints;--used of जोंधळा, बाजरा, ऊस &c.: also to be affected with रक्तपिती or black leprosy at the joints--a person. To wear away by nibbling or gnawing; also by chafing or rubbing. To itch. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कांडाळणें महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | अ.क्रि. १ लांब व बळकट अशी पेरे येणें , वेगानें व जोमानें वाढणे ( जोंधळा , बाजरी इ .) २ ( ल .) मूल सपाटून वाढोस लागणें ३ . ( नाशिक ) जोंधळा , बाजरी ऊसं पेराशी काळा पडणें . ( ल .) रक्तपिती होणें . ( माणसाला ). ( कांडा ) स.क्रि. १ कांडारणें , कारांडणें पहा . घासून झिजविणें . २ खाज सुटणें ; कंड खाणें . ( कंडुय ) उ.क्रि. खाजविणें . ( सं . कंडु ) Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP