ĀTREYĪ I Wife of King Ūru. Svāyambhuva Manu got of his wife Śatarūpā two sons, Priyavrata and Uttānapāda. Uttānapāda got a son named Uttama of Suruci and one of name Dhruva of Sunīti. Dhruva got three sons, Śiṣṭi, Bhava and Śambhu. Śiṣṭi got five sons, Ripu Ripuñjaya. Śipra, Vṛkala and Vṛkatejas. Cākṣuṣa was, born to Ripu of his wife Bṛhatī. Manu was born to Cākṣuṣa of his wife Vīraṇī. Ūru was the son of Manu. Ūru got of Ātreyī Aṅga, Sumanas, Svāti, Kratu, Aṅgiras and Gaya.
[Chapter 18, Agni Purāṇa] .
ĀTREYĪ II A river.
[Śloka 22, Chapter 9, Sabhā Parva, M.B.] .
ĀTREYĪ III Anasūyā, wife of Atri is also called Ātreyī.
ĀTREYĪ IV Daughter of Maharṣi Atri. She was married to Aṅgiras, son of Agni. Aṅgiras always spoke rudely to her and pained at this she once approached her father and told him about this. Her father told her thus: “Your husband is the son of Agni. That is why he appears unbearable to you. Therefore give him a cold bath always and he would gradually become mild.” Hearing this the devout Ātreyī transformed herself into a river and started to cool him down by constant showers. This river later on became the famous Paruṣṇī Nadī.
[Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa] .