वि-पाशा f. f. the विपाशा or Beas river (one of the 5 rivers of the Panjāb, said to be so called as having destroyed the cord with which वसिष्ठ had tried to hang himself through grief for his son slain by विश्वामित्र; it rises in the Kullu range of the हिमालय, and after a course of 290 miles joins the Sutlej at the southern boundary of Kapurthala; it is considered identical with the *῞υφασις of Arrian, the Hyphasis of Pliny, and Βίπασις of Ptolemy), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Var.] ; [Pur.]
noun उत्तरभारते वर्तमाना एका नदी।
Ex. विपाशा हिमालयात् प्रभवति अरबसागरं च गच्छति।
See : व्यास
VIPĀŚĀ A Purāṇically famous river in the region of five rivers (Punjab). Vasiṣṭha was stricken with grief at the death of his son Śakti and jumped into this river with the help of a rope to commit suicide. The waves of the river united the knots of the rope and saved him. From that day onwards this river came to be known as Vipāśā. (See under Kalmāṣapāda) Other information about this river given in the Purāṇas is given below:--
(i) Vipāśā stays in the palace of Varuṇa serving him. (M.B. Chapter 9, Stanza 19).
(ii) Two devils named Bahi and Hīka live in this river. [M.B. Karṇa Parva, Chapter 44, Stanza 41] .
(iii) If offering to the Manes is made in this river and celibacy is observed there for three days without anger, one could get away from death and birth. [M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 24] .
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