That recedes not, falls not back, changes not: also that cannot be averted or turned back. Ex. जाणोनि त्याचा अलोट- नियम ॥ आज्ञा देऊन पाठवी धर्म. Conversancy with or versedness: also cleverness from practice. alōṭa Add:--In the second clause of this sense with due accommodation into Irreversible, irresistible, irremovable, insurmountable &c., अलोट is prefixed freely to words involving the idea or supporting the fancy of Current, stream, flow; or of Momentum or forceful bearing; as अलोटकल्पना, अलोटकौशल्य, अलोटबुद्धि, अलोटतर्क, अलोटपराक्रम -प्रताप -प्राबल्य -शौर्य -शक्ति -संपत्ति -विपत्ति -संकट -विघ्न &c. अलोट हरी हरातें Inavertible by Vishn̤u or by Shiva; inavertible by the gods. A phrase expressing the notion so familiar to the Greeks and Romans of the subjection of Jupiter and all Olympus to Fate or Necessity. Ex. मग तिनें शापिलें तयातें ॥ जो अलोट हरी हरातें ॥.