अभिसंधिः [abhisandhiḥ] 1 Speech; deliberate declaration, promise.
Intention, object, purpose, aim; दम्पत्योः प्राणसश्लेषे योऽ- भिसंधिः कृतः किल
[Mb.12.266.34;] तस्या अभिसंधिना विधेयीकृतोऽपि
[Māl.1;] [Dk.38;] स्वर्ग˚
[Ku.6.47.] Implied sense, the meaning intended, as in अयमभिसन्धिः (frequently occurring in explanatory glosses).
Opinion, belief.
Special agreement, terms of an agreement, condition, stipulation; अथावश्यमेव माधवसेनः पूज्येन मोचयितव्यः श्रूयतामभिसन्धिः
[M.1.] Deception, Making peace or alliance.
Junction, combination. -Comp. -कृतa. done intentionally.