अभिनी [abhinī] 1
[P.] To bring near, conduct or lead towards, carry to; तटाभिनीतेनाम्भसा
[Ki.8.32;] अमात्यस्य गृहजनं स्वगृहमभिनीय रक्षसि
[Mu.1,5;6.15;] दृष्ट्वा शरं ज्यामभि- नीयमानम् Mb. being fitted to the bow.
To act, represent or exhibit dramatically, gesticulate; mostly occurring in stage-directions; श्रुतिमभिनीय Ś 3 acting as if he heard something;
[Mu.1.2,3.3;] [M.2.5.] To quote, adduce, introduce.
To allow to elapse.