अनुशासनम् [anuśāsanam] Advice, persuasion, direction, order. command; instruction, laying down rules or precepts; a law, rule, precept; treatment (of a subject), (with the object in comp. or with gen., the agent, if expressed, being put in the instr. or gen.); एतद्वै भद्रमनुशासनस्य
[Rv.1.32.7.] एतदनुशासनम्
[Tait. Up.7.9.7.] भवत्यधिक्षेप इवानुशासनम्
[Ki.1.28] words of advice; तन्मनोरनुशासनम्
[Ms.8.139;6.5;2.159;] यौवन˚
[K.146;] नामलिङ्ग˚ laying down rules on the gender of nouns, explanation of gender &c.; शब्दानुशासनम् Sk.; शब्दानामनुशासनमाचार्यस्य आचार्येण वा
[P.II.3.66] Sk. -Comp.
-पर a. a. obedient.्वन् N. of the 13th book of the Mahābhārata (so called because it lays down precepts of advice).