Dictionaries | References अ अतिभूमि { atibhūmiḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words अतिभूमि A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अति-भूमि f. f. extensive land ROOTS:अति भूमिculmination, eminence, superiorityexcess. अतिभूमि The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अतिभूमिः [atibhūmiḥ] f. f.Excess, culmination, highest pitch; ˚मिं गम्-या to go to excess, to reach the climax; ˚मिं तस्या अभिनिवेशो गमिष्यति [Māl.2;] ˚मिं गतोनुरागः 7; तत्र सर्व- लोकस्य ˚मिं गतः प्रवादः ibid. widely known, become notorious, noised abroad; ˚मिमयं गतो न शक्यते निवर्तयितुम् [K.156;] सर्वोत्सवानामतिभूमिमिवाधिशयाना 158; सर्वपौरुषातिभूमिः [Dk.3;] ˚मिं गतेन रणरणकेन [U.1,] प्रणयातिभूमिमगमन् [Śi.9.78,] 1.8.Boldness, impropriety, violation of due limits (अमर्यादा); विपदि न दूषितातिभूमिः [Śi.3.2.] Eminence, superiority.Extensive land. अतिभूमि Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अतिभूमि f. (-मिः)1. Something more than was expected or aimed at. 2. Extensive land or limits.3. Impropor conduct, exceeding proper bounds.E. अति, and भूमि land. ROOTS:अति भूमि Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP