Dictionaries | References स सेनाबिन्दु { senābindu } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सेनाबिन्दु Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | A warrior of Pāñcāla who had taken part in the battle of Bhārata on the side of the Pāṇḍavas. Karṇa killed him. [M.B. Karṇa Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 15] .SENĀBINDU I 1) General information. A Kṣatriya King who lived in the age of the Purāṇas. This King was born from a portion of an asura called Tuhuṇḍa. [Mahābhārata Āḍi Parva, Chapter 67] . 2) Other details.(i) Senābindu was present at the Svayaṁvara marriage of Draupadī. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 9] . (ii) Arjuna, during his regional conquest of the north, with the King of Ulūka had attacked this King who lost his kingdom. [M.B. Sabhā Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 10] . (iii) The Pāṇḍavas had invited this King to take part in the Bhārata battle. [M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 13] . (iv) It is said that Senābindu was known by another name Krodhahantā. He was as valiant as Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Bhīmasena. [M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 171, Verse 20] . (v) He was killed in the battle of Bhārata. [M.B. Karṇa Parva, Chapter 6 Verse 32] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सेनाबिन्दु A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सेना—बिन्दु m. m.N. of a king, ib. ROOTS:सेना बिन्दु Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP