प्रकीर्ण [prakīrṇa] p.p. p. p. p.
Scattered about, scattered forth, thrown about, dispersed; प्रकीर्णमूर्धजा राजन् यक्षाधिपतिमब्रुवन्
[Mb.3.161.17.] Spread, published, promulgated.
Waved, waving; जवात् प्रकीर्णैरभितः प्रकीर्णकैः
[Śi.12.17.] Disordered, loose, dishevelled.
Confused, incoherent; बह्वपि स्वेच्छया कामं प्रकीर्णमभिधीयते
[Śi.2.63.] Agitated, excited.
Miscellaneous, mixed; as the प्रकीर्णकाण्ड of Bhaṭṭikāvya.
Expanded, opened.
Standing alone.
Destroyed, killed; प्रकीर्णमेष भारं हि यद्वद्धार्येत दस्युभिः
[Mb.12.215.14.] Thickly covered; प्रकीर्णमलपङ्कः
[Dk.2.2.] र्णम् A miscellany, any miscellaneous collection.
A chapter containing miscellaneous rules.
A chapter or section of a book.
Scattering or throwing about.
Extent. -Comp.
-केशी N. N. of Durgā.