संस्कृत सूची|संस्कृत साहित्य|सुभाषितानि| सुभाषितानि सुभाषितानि सदुक्तिकर्णामृतम् सुभाषितावलि सुभाषितानि सुभाषित म्हणजे आदर्श वचन. सुभाषित गद्य किंवा पद्यात असतात.Subhashita means good speech. They are wise sayings, instructions and stories, either in poetry or in prose composed in Sanskrit language which is the oldest language in world and considered as "Mother of all Languages". Tags : संस्कृतसुभाषित सदुक्तिकर्णामृतम् सदुक्तिकर्णामृतम् श्रीधरदाससङ्कलितम्सुभाषित म्हणजे आदर्श वचन. सुभाषित गद्य किंवा पद्यात असतात.Subhashita means good speech. Tags: shridharadas, श्रीधरदास, सुभाषित, संस्कृत Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A सुभाषितावलि सुभाषित म्हणजे आदर्श वचन. सुभाषित गद्य किंवा पद्यात असतात.Subhashita means good speech. They are wise sayings, instructions and stories, either in poetry or in prose composed in Sanskrit language which is the oldest language in world and considered as "Mother of all Languages". Tags: vallabhadev, वल्लभदेव, सुभाषित, संस्कृत Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A Folder Page Word/Phrase Person References : N/A Last Updated : November 11, 2016 Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP