Firefox on Windows?

Firefox is the open source browser and works little differently than Microsoft Internet Explorer.


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This is hows you would setup to see the text properly.
After setting it might maybe ask for your Windows Xp istallation CD and reboot required!

1) Open My Computer -> Controlpanel
2) Dobbelt-click on Regional Language Options (icon)
3) Choose Language - tab

Now you can see the following window:
regional language options

4) Tick the following options:

  • Install files for complex script and right-to-left-languages (including Thai)
  • Install files for East Asian Languages

    regional language options

    5) Now click on details button in the same tab as before:
    regional language options details

    And now the Text Services and Input languages window will open
    6) Choose Advanced - tab

    Now you see the following window:
    Text services and Indput languges

    Now you have tick the following option:

  • Extend support of advanced text services to all programs (Compatibility Configuration)

    Window will look like this:
    Text services and Indput languges (advanced)

    Click on - OK

    Now you will switch back to the former window.

    Click on - OK

    and reboot…

  • N/A

    Courtesy :

    Thavarajah Sabanathan :

    Last Updated : December 09, 2007

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