बृहदश्व said :-

1. The king of the Nishadhas being accepted as a husband by the daughter of Bhima, the protectors, of the quarters of great splendour, saw, when they were going away, द्वापर coming along with Kali.
2. Having seen Kali sakra, the destroyer of Bali and Vritra, asked him, ``O Kali, tell me where are you going along with द्वापर?''
3. Thereupon Kali answered to Sukra, `` I am going to the Swayamvara of दमयन्ती; I shall choose her for my wife as my heart is fixed upon her.''
4. Indra spoke to him with a smile, ``that Swayamvara is now over; the king Nala has been accepted as a husband by her in our presence."
5. Thus addressed by Sakra, Kali, full of anger, spoke thus to the gods, having said good-bye to them.
6. `` In as much as she has accpeted a man as her husband in preference to gods, it is but just that she should suffer severe punishment.''
7. When Kali had spoken thus, the inhabitants of heaven replied, ``दमयन्ती, being permitted by us, chose Nala as her husband.
8-10. What girl would not choose the king Nala, who is endowed with all the qualitiese, who knows all the religions, who is a strict observer of vows, in whose house the deities are satisfied by the sacrifices performed in accordance with the rules, who does not harm anyone, who is truthful and of firm vows, and in whom, who is prominent among men and resembling the guradians of the world, truth, courage, knowledege, religious austerities, purity, self-control and tranquaillity are firm?
11. O Kali, that foolish creature, who would desire to curse Nala, of this descrption, would curse himself and kill himself by himself.
12. O Kali, he, who wishes to pronouce curse upon Nala of such qualities. would sink into the vast and unfathomable lake of hell full of toutures.''
13. After the Gods had gone, Kali spoke to द्वापर ``O Dwapara, I cannot restrain my anger; I shall enter into the body of Nala.
14. I shall deprive him of his kingdom; he shall no longer divert himself along with the daughter of Bhima; you too should enter the dice and thus render me help."

References : N/A
Last Updated : November 11, 2016

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