Ayodhya-kanda - Doha 171 to 180

Sri Ramcharitmanas is a great Hindu scripture and poetic classic written by Goswami Tulsidas.

Doha - 171

"Listen, Bharata: formidable is fate!" the lord of sages sorrowfully exclaimed. "Loss and gain, life and death, glory and infamy-all these lie in the hands of Providence.


"Arguing thus, whom should we blame? And with whom should we be angry without any cause? Ponder in your heart, my son, that King Dasaratha is not worth grieving for. Pitiable is the Brahmana who is ignorant of the Vedas, and who has abandoned his own duty and is engrossed in the pleasures of sense; pitiable the king who has no knowledge of politics and who does not love his people as his own life: pitiable the Vaisya (a member of the trading class) who is niggardly though rich, and who is not perfect in hospitality nor in devotion to Lord Siva pitiable the Sudra (a member of the labouring or artisan class) who is disrepectful towards the Brahmans loquacious and proud of his knowledge and loves to be honoured. Pitiable, again, is the woman who deceives her own husband is crooked and quarrelsome and follows her own will;pitiable the religious student who breaks his vow and obeys not the orders of his preceptor.

Doha - 172

"Nay, pitiable is the householder who out of ignorance forsakes the path of duty; and pitiable the recluse who is attached to the world and lacks discretion and dispassion."


"Pitiable is the anchorite who has given up penance and developed a liking for luxuries; pitiable the backbiter who is angry without cause and an enemy of his own parents, preceptor and brothers. Pitiable in every way is he who harms others, cherished his own body and is exceedingly heartless. And pitiable in every respect is he who is not sincerely devoted to Sri Hari. The lord of Kosala is not worth grieving for, his glory being manifest throgh all the fourteen spheres. There never was, nor is, nor shall be hereafter, a monarch like your father, Bharata. Brahma, Visnu, Siva Indra (the lord of celestials) and the guardians of the quarters, all sing praises of King Dasaratha.

Doha - 173

"Tell me, dear child, who can glorify him who begot such pious sons as Rama, Laksmana Satrughna and yourself?"


"The King was blessed in every way; it is no use mourning for him. Heraring and realizing this, sorrow no more, and reverently obey the king's command. The king has bestowed the kingship on you; it behoves you therefore, to redeem the words of your father who abandone Rama for the sake of his word and quitted his body in his anguish of separation from Rama. The king did not love his own life as he did his word; therefore, dear son, redeem your father's word. Reverntly obey the king's commad; this will do you good in every way. Parasurama executed the command of his father and killed his own mother: the whole world will bear testimony to this fact. Yayati's son.(Puru) exchanged his own youth for the old age of his father and incurred no sin or blame because he did so in obedience to his father's command."

Doha - 174

"Those who cherish their father's word. minding not whether it is reasonable or otherwise, attain happiness and fair renown and dwell in the abode of Indra (the lord of immortals)."


"Therefore, you needs must redeem the king's word; cherish your subjects and cease to grieve. The king in heaven will derive solace, while you will earn merit and good fame and shall incur no blame. It is well known in the Vedas and has the sanction of all that the crown goes to him no whom the father bestows it. Therefore, rule the kingdom, feel no remorse and accept my advice as salutary. Rama and Videha's daughter (Sita) will be gratified when they hear of it and no wise man will call it wrong Kausalya and all the other mothers too will be happy in the happiness of the people. Nay, he who will know the supreme affinity between you and Rama will have perfect goodwill toward you. When Rama returns home you may hand over the kingdom to him and serve him with ideal affection."

Doha - 175

The ministers submitted with joined palms: "You needs must obey the order of your preceptor. When the Lord Raghus comes back, you may do what you think fit then."


Summoning courage Kausalya said, "Salutary, my son, is your Gru's command the same should be repected and obeyed by you as conducive to your good. Cease to grieve realizing the vicissitudes of life. The Lord Raghus is in the forest and the king is lording it over gods (in heaven); while you, my son, are thus giving way to faintheartedness. You, my child, are the only rupport of all including your family, subjects, ministers and all your mothers. Perceiving the antipathy of God and the relentlessness of fate, I adjure you by my life courage. Reverently obey your Guru's command cherish your subjects and relieve the afflicion of your family." Bharata listened to the advice of his preceptor and the ministers' appeal endorsing th same, which were as soothing to his heart as sandal-paste. He further heard the mother's soft words imbued with the nectar of amiability, affection and guilelessness.

Bharata grew restless when he heard mother Kausalya's speech imbued as it was with the nectar of sincerity. His lotus eyes shed tears that watered the fresh shoots of desolation in his heart. All those who saw his condition at that time forgot their own existence. Everyone, say Tulasidasa; reverently exolled him as the perfection of artless love.

Doha - 176

Joining his lotus palms, Bharata who was foremost among the strong-minded, took courage and proceeded to give fitting replies to all in words steeped as it were in nectar.


"My preceptor has given me excellent advice, which has been endorsed by my subjects, ministers and all. Mother (Kausalya) too has injoined on me what she has thought fit and which I certainly wish to carry out with revernce. The advice of one's preceptor, parents, master and friend ought to be acted upon with a cheerful heart as conducive to one's good. By pausing to think whether it is right or wrong one fails in one's duty and incurs a load sin. You are surely giving me sincere advice which, if followed, will do me good. Even though I fully realize this, my heart is not satisfied. Now hear my request and give me advice that may suit me. Forgive me my preumption in returning an answer to you; for good people reckon not the virtues or faults of the distressed.

Doha - 177

"My father is in heaven and both sita and Rama are in the woods, whereas you ask me to rule the kingdom. Do you thik this will do me good or you expect some unusual gain to yourself from this arrangement?"


"My good lies in the service of Sri Rama, although I have been deprived of that privilege through my mother's perversity. I have pondered in my heart and realized that my good lies in no other way. Of what account is this kingdom, which is nothing but an abode of sorrow,when the feet of Laksmana, Rama and Sita are no longer to be seen? A load of jewels is of no use without clothers; an enquiry about Brahma (the Absolute) is of little use without despassion; abundant enjoyments are of no use to a diseased body; of little use are Japa (muttering of prayers) is of no use without life and all I have naught without the Lord of Raghus. Grant me leave to go where Rama is; my good exclusively lies in this. And if you urge that you seek your own good by crowing me king, you say so only through ignorance caused by affection."

Doha - 178

"It is through infatuation that you expect happiness from the reign of a wretch like me, who is Kaikey's son, of perverted interllect, hostile to Rama and lost to shame."


"I tell you the trugh; you should all listen and believe what I say. A virtuous man alone should be crowned as king. The moment you instal me on the throne perforce the earth will sink into the lowest depths. Who is such an invetereate sinner as I, on whose account Sita and Rama have been exilled into the forest? The king sent Rama into exile and himself ascended to heaven the moment. the latter left him. My wretched self, which is the root of all evil, is sitting quietly and hears all talk unmoved Even thought I find the palace without Rama, I have survived and endured the world's jeers. Devoid of attaction for (dominion) and enjoyment. I have no words to depict the cruelty of my heart that has attained notoriety by surpassing even adamant."

Doha - 179

"An effect is as a rule harder than its cause; and I am to balem for it. The thunderbolt is more formidable and harder than bone (of which it was made) and iron than rock (form which it is quarried).


"Clinging to this body born of Kaikeyi, my wretched life is exceedingly unfortunate. When life has been torn from my beloved brother, I shall have much to see and hear yet. Kaikeyi has sent Laksmana, Rama and Sita into exile and has done a good turn to her husband by despatching him to the abode of immortals; she has taken widowhood and infamy upon herself and bestowed grief and affliction on the people; and to me she has served the interests of all. I cannot expect greater good than this at present; over and above that you proclaim your intention to crown me king. Since I have been born into this world through Kaikeyi's womb this is not at all unbecoming of me. God Himself has accomplished everything for me; why, then, should you all as well as the people help my cause?

Doha - 180

"If a man who is possessed by some evil spirit and is also affected by delirium and has been further stung by a scorpion is given a cup of wine, tell me, what king of treatment is this?"


"God in His wisdom has ordained for me everything in this world is worthy of Kaikeyi's son. He has, however, bestowed on me in vain honour of being a son of king Dasaratha and a younger brother of Sri Rama. All of you urge me to accept the throne and the king's command is good for all. How shall I answer all individually? Let everyone gladly say what one pleases. Barring me and my vile mother, tell me, who will say the right thing has been done? Excepting myself who is there in the whole animate and inanimate creation that does not love Sita and Rama as one's own life? What is most baneful appears to you all as mighty gain; this is my misfortune and none is to be blamed for it. You are in grip ;of doubt, amiability and affection; and whatever you all say is right."


References : N/A
Last Updated : February 17, 2011

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