At,prep. (Denoting time or place) by loc. of noun; ‘a Kasi’
काश्यां; ‘a that time’ तस्मिन्काले.
AT , prep. expressed by
आ or अभि prefixed to roots, as,
‘to arrive at,’ आगम्, अभिगम्. — Before names of towns, ex- pressed by the loc. c.; as,
‘at Ayodhyā,’ अयोध्यायां. At home, स्वगृहे, स्वस्थाने;
‘at night,’ रात्रौ;
‘at evening,’ आसन्ध्यं;
‘at this time,’ तत्काले, तत्क्षणे;
‘at the moment,’ सपदि;
‘at present,’ वर्त्तमाने काले, अधुना, सम्प्रति;
‘at first,’ प्रथमतस्, पूर्व्वं;
‘at last,’ अनन्तरं, शेपे;
‘at least,’ तावत्;
‘at all, कथञ्चन, मनाक्; ‘at the sight,’ आदर्शनात्;
‘at ease,’ यथासुखं, सुखेन;
‘at large,’ निर्विघ्नं;
‘at the price,’ मूल्येन;
‘at once,’ युगपत्, एकदा, एककाले. —
‘At,’ may often be ex- pressed by the indec. part., as,
‘at the sight of that,’ तद् दृष्ट्वा; or by the loc. c., as,
‘at their arrival,’ तेषु आगतेषु;or by the abl. c., as,
‘at his bidding,’ तस्य निदेशात्; or by the instr. c., as,
‘at the king's command,’ राजाज्ञया.
2 In other sen- -ses, by instr. or abl.; oft. by gerund, or loc. abs.; ‘a. this’
इदं श्रुत्वा; ‘a. his arrival’ संप्राप्ते तस्मिन्; ‘a. his ad- -vice’ तस्योपदेशेन; ‘a. what price’ कियता मूल्येन; ‘a. first’ प्रथमं; ‘a. last’ अंततः, ‘at once’ युगपत्, समं; ‘a. all’ मनागपि, किमपि.
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