a Numeral.
f Numbering; registering.
Numeral, numerable; that stands under that species of quantity called number; that is to be determined as to its amount, not by measurement, but by counting. 2 as s f This word, as a noun, is less approved and less common than its parent सुमार; but by those who use it in the senses of that word, it will be used in all the senses and applications there detailed, excepting in the third sense and in the final or closing application. 3 Used in comp. with certain words of the revenue-department in the sense of Numbering or number, registering or register; as खानेसुमारी, झाडसुमारी, गांवसुमारी, शेतसुमारी, आंबेसुमारी. See खानेसुमारी.
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